fabior3 said... Don't expect to see the caves of the prospectus, first because with global warming they have disappeared and then because in 4 hours you will only do between one and two kilometers! Indeed, the guide spends his time using his ice axe to make steps that supposedly ensure safety. Having been on this type of terrain several times, taking 16 people at a time with only one guide and one assistant and not providing them with an ice axe or helmet seems to me to be much more risky in terms of safety. Finally, when I hear these same guides say that in high season they manage 100 people per day, it confirms to me that I am not with a company that respects the environment and its clients. Definitely, this tour does not deserve the price paid nor its ranking on TripAdvisor More than disappointing. Don't expect to see the caves of the prospectus, first because with global warming they have disappeared and then because in 4 hours you will only do between one and two kilometers! Indeed, the guide spends his time using his ice axe to make steps that supposedly ensure safety. Having been on this type of terrain several times, taking 16 people at a time with only one guide and one assistant and not providing them with an ice axe or helmet seems to me to be much more risky in terms of safety. Finally, when I hear these same guides say that in high season they manage 100 people per day, it confirms to me that I am not with a company that respects the environment and its clients. Definitely, this tour does not deserve the price paid nor its ranking on Tripadvidor
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